
This is a plan I wrote prior to breeding in 2006.

Both the male and female will be kept at 92 belly heat with a gradient to 78-82 during the year.  In September the female will be fed a meal slightly larger than normal each week.  The male will be fed his normal size meal weekly instead of the 3-4 week norm.  The last Sunday in September will be their last meal.  After they have both cleared their systems following their last meal, the male's heat will be turned down to 82 degrees.  His entire cage will then be a range of 82-78 during the day and 82-75 at night.  The female will have her temp dropped to 87 belly, with the same cool temps as the male.  I will leave them at this temperature through October.  October 29th the female is offered a small meal (this is optional, but keep in mind the female will not eat until partuation).  The male will then be introduced into her cage on the 31st.  If the female ate, wait a couple more days.  Reduce the female's heat to 85 degrees.  Keep a close eye on them at first to make sure the female does not act negatively to the male's presence, or vise versa.  Leave them at this reduced temperature until Thanksgiving.  At this time breeding should be well under way, and the cage temperature will be slightly raised weekly through December back to 90 degrees by the end of the month.  The pair will remain together until a definite ovulation is observed, at this point wait a few days before pulling him.  The male will try and get out and be very active when breeding is done.  Up to this point they have never been separated nor fed.  This helps ensure success.  If the male is not stressing out the female you can leave them together until POS.  Keep in mind that both the male and female will normally shed once during the breeding trials, do not note this shed as a POS, this is usually before ovulation.  

This plan was written for boas being kept in a climate similar to Pittsburgh, PA in a house kept at a 70 degrees year round.

If you have lights on your cages modify the cycle to fit the day period in your area.  If you don't have lights on your cages that is ok.

Compiled and written by Christopher Gilbert, © Gilbert Boas 2008-2023                                      Contact: